Sock rambles

I follow a few video podcasters who are adorable and so delicate about not wearing their socks before they show them on the podcast.
Gurl. Wear your socks! I like a good FO, but I ALSO want to see what that sock looks like after you’ve washed, after you’ve walked through mud, how it held up when the dog grabbed it!

I pulled this sock on the morning I went on a little hike with a friend. And I lost my balance and full on dunked both feet up to my calves in the creek (yay, water! SoCal doesn’t usually have that much).

Stupid hike for my stupid mental health

I did that on the way OUT! Luckily it was a 45 minute hike. Took a photo of my socks when I got home, they were wet but otherwise not uncomfortable. Except that I looked down and saw toes! And that socks really isn’t old enough for me to have worn a hole through it. Closer inspection revealed a dropped stitch.

I have the power!

I’m not particularly delicate (creeks included) with my socks. These go through the wash. I did learn that the regular detergent isn’t great, so I’ll stick to wool wash, right now I have Soak. But I’m still pretty happy wearing my hand knit socks almost exclusively.

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